I'll give my regular readers a few moments to recover from that announcement.
Are you up off the floor now?
That's good.
I went to Walmart with my grandmother today. (Which is oddly where I bought the corset) Shopping with a 97 year old can be a real interesting experience.
Gram needed a bathrobe and while she was looking for one I perused the dollar rack of undies. Cos really, who can pass up dollar undies.
No, don't answer. The peanut gallery should be silent at this point.
Well, the dollar rack is where I discovered the copper corset thingie. For a buck I had to have it. Not caring that it's going to be the most uncomfortable thing I'll ever wear underneath my clothes.
I just thought...copper corset --- sexy! I must have it. (I also had to have a pretty pink floral backless bra)
Today was so the day for impulse buys. I think I might have bought beachfront property in North Dakota if it were packaged nicely and the right price. (a buck is the right price btw)
And if any of you were wondering, Grandma did get her bathrobe.
"Engineered Incompetence"
3 hours ago
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