Sunday, November 07, 2004

A Bit of Madness

I haven't done this meme in a few weeks. Mostly cos I was burned out on almost all my memes and also because I wasn't feeling my usual funny self. But hey, things are doing better, at least I think, so I shall return to my usual snarky self while answering questions from strangers.

OK, Otto's not a stranger, she's in my blogroll.

Let's just pretend they are questions from strangers, shall we? It'll make it more fun..and somewhat mysterious.

Name 3 (or more, or less!) things...

1. cannot live without.
I helped inspire these first two..but let me add some to the list I made in my previous post

My digital camera
my router for the DSL connection (without it, life would be miserable, cos I'd be fighting for computer time with an 18 year old)

2. CAN live without, but cannot seem to part with.

Well it seems like the cassette tapes. Cos I've tossed out some clothes today.
Old magazines with pictures of celebrity crushes inside.
Movie ticket stubs/concert ticket stubs

3. wish to accomplish this COMING week.

30 pages in my novel
Cleaning the rooms from hell (and some of the other rooms as well)
Get to Curves at least 3 times this week, preferrably 5 times

4. have accomplished this PAST week. paid some bills
Oh I voted..and my candidate lost... Perturbed
Does seeing Alfie count? (Great movie BTW)

5. ...on your holiday (or non-holiday) 'wish list.'

As ABBA once sang...Money Money Money

One of these

and one of these

6. would like to change about yourself.

weight (gah I'm so fat)
my hair color (which I'll do in the next few days.)

7. like about yourself.

Eh? oh no. Not this question. Nope, can't think of anything.

Oh heck.

How about eyes and smile. Those aren't too damaging or scary if you've had the misfortune of seeing a picture of me.

8. should be doing right now instead of what you ARE doing.

Writing (I'm almost done with another story update)

9. your life that could use a little more organization.

I think my whole life could use more organization, but that's just at home. I'm pretty good with things at work.