Here's the Music Meme brought to you by yours truly. The questions are posted over at BDI if you want to play along.
"Be Thankful"
If you could thank one artist/band for their contribution to your life, who would it be and why?
OK, the first question is giving me a brain cramp already. Elvis Costello and the Moody Blues are battling it out.
Moodies win!
I want to thank Justin Hayward for writing the songs that inspired me to finish my first novel, Broken Dreams. ( I also want to thank him for being such a sexy sweetie too)
I want to thank John Lodge for wearing leather pants and making sure that my salivary glands are in working order. I also want to thank him for that hug from hell! Feel free to give me another anytime.
I want to thank Graeme for making Justin so squirrelly during Higher and Higher! Keep on Riverdancing! OK, stop riverdancing...but you can do the funky chicken all you like.
Thank you Ray Thomas for writing For My Lady, which caused me to squeal in Panera Bread when the muzak version was played. (contributions to my insanity are always welcome)
Thank you Mike Pinder the early Moodies that slightly depressed air about them. (tee hee..the moodies are so depressed)
And as an aside.
Thank you Bernie Barlow for being a non-slut backup singer with real talent.
Thank you Norda Mullen for filling a huge gap in the band when Ray retired, and filling it so well!
Thank you Paul Bliss for being so darn cute up there behind the keyboards.
Thank you Gordon Marshall for being one hell of a sexy drummer...and being one hell of a sexy drummer...and Oops didn't I say that already?
Thanks for the music and the memories!
What albums are you thankful that you purchased or heard this year?
I've bought a lot of music this year but there are three albums that stand out above the rest:
Bernie Barlow - Golden
Duran Duran - Astronaut
Elvis Costello - The Delivery Man
If you wanted to tell someone thanks in song, what song would it be?
I'd go for the obvious which would be either Natalie Merchant or Led Zeppelin's Thank You, but neither song does anything for me.
I'd go for Justin Hayward and John Lodge's Remember Me, My Friend
What musical things are you thankful for?
I'm thankful for Old Red
And Old Red's owner
I'm thankful for tight pants and leather pants and the sexy men that wear them on stage
I'm thankful for snarky songwriters.
Thanks for the ABBA would sing..
Giving Thanks
I'm thankful that I don't work retail anymore, so I don't have to be at the mall at 5 a.m. on the day after Thanksgiving!
"Engineered Incompetence"
3 hours ago
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