I will not blog about the election. I will not blog about the election.
But I will say do your duty as an American and cast a vote for one of these two losers today.
Now that said, I will not mention either of the two losers until the results have been announced, which will be sometime in the spring, if we're lucky. Then I will either sob or dance for joy. (or perhaps move to Canada)
But onto other non-election/politics now. I was working on my story/novel/piece of crap last night and I found the story taking a completely different turn from what I'd planned it taking. See I'm not fond of outlines, because my characters tend to do what they want. Does that make any sense?
I can have an idea of where I want something to go, but in the middle of it the characters will take over and like last night, something will happen to change things.
I don't imagine I could ever stick to an outline. I guess that's why writing comes slowly for me. (or could it be that I just have a short attention span)
On a plus note, this project has now reached 170 pages in my microsoft works document, so yay for me there. Hopefully in the midst of all the election hoopla I'll get some more writing done. (Assuming that all the people that have loser #1 signs in their back yard don't get into fights with people that have loser #2 signs in theirs and I get to watch as the police in our small hamlet fend off the civil wars that break out) Oh shit, I talked about the election, can you forgive me? Please?
Today is looking to be an interesting day, if you're an American. If you're not, perhaps you could feel some compassion for us.
"Engineered Incompetence"
3 hours ago
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