With a little help from some strange music I'm feeling a bit more the thing, so to speak. OK, not really strange music, but new to me music. (So in that way it's strange) I have about 10 mix CDs that I got over the past few months and there's quite a lot. Miss Tay, did the Soundtrack swap and I have about 5 discs there, I think I've listened to them all now and I've unearthed some interesting songs while doing it.
Then there were the summer mixes that I swapped with two Art of the Mix blogger buddies of mine. Those were eye openers. Mostly because the people that post on that site are all in their early twenties. So, when I get a mix from them I get what's popular now on the college circuit it seems.
And will someone tell me how I missed the boat on Wilco? I could be that I wasn't ready to like them until now. That's totally possible. From what I've been hearing, I kinda like them.
Ah but back to my being relaxed. I unearthed part of my problem with writing these days. I was feeling guilty because I had set a goal in December to write 5 pages a day on the project I was then working on. That would be Broken Dreams (Any of you finished reading that..I'd love feedback)
Well that goal is all well and good, but some other projects just didn't inspire me as much, and they also didn't have an urgency about them to be finished. A certain vampire story I was writing is one such animal, and because of this self-inflicted goals and some less than pleasant readers trying to tell me how to write, this story ended up in the recycle bin after 4 years of work.
So, I came up with a plan. I will do my best to write something each day, but if I stare at it for more than an hour and nothing comes, I'm going to put it away for the day.
I'd rather not write than write more crap. (of course some of you are saying..but Music Whore, what you write is always crap. To you I say this )
There's one other thing I've decided too. I'm not going to share anything I've written until it's finished. No more work in progress emails. That helps the guilt. I'm also not going to let readers dictate how and what I should write.
There's a story called Want to Be With You that I wrote last year. It's a good story. I enjoyed writing it, but it never should have happened. New Horizons ended and that should have been the end of the story.
No more sequels unless I deem them necessary.
So yeah, I'm feeling a bit better about things. Not about life, but about things, which is better than I was doing Monday. Maybe it's the coming weekend that's helped. I don't know. But I can tell you my plans.
I'm going to make the best of my mixes cd. What I'm going to do is take all the mixes that people have sent and compile all the songs from artists I wasn't familiar with before I received the mix and put them onto a new mix!
Yup, I have a thrilling life.
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
1 hour ago
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