Random Observation
Very few of my friends, online or otherwise share the passion I have for music, let alone enjoy the same sounds that I do. Of course that's not saying I that my friends don't like one or two of the same bands I do and vice versa. We all know I have many "moody" friends and even a few "costello" friends.
at Brighid, even though we don't even exchange emails anymore.
The thing is. I know the type of music I like. It's called "Pop" and not that stuff that is being prefabricated in studios in LA and NY etc right now. Pop that was finely crafted, by good songwriters that knew that sometimes a song should just make you smile for about 3-5 minutes.
So that explains...when I say I like the Moody Blues and Elvis Costello that I'm not going have the regular list of favorites by each of the respected artists. And that's not to say that I don't appreciate a well written, well crafted songs, cos I do.
I just like the fun stuff better. I appreciate albums like Elvis Costello's Punch the Clock, The Moody Blues' Sur La Mer and Justin Hayward's Night Flight more than the average fan does.
In fact, when you get to the Moody Blues, as much as the stuff in the "Core 7" is concerned, I love it..but it annoys me. Why? Cos of the way the boys put the albums together. You can't make a good mix cd from Core 7 material. So how the hell am I going to share the love when certain songs sound like the ending is being dropped off on a mix? ARGH! Plus the Core 7 is vastly overrated. Mostly cos of the depressing, make you want to slit your wrists, Mike Pinder songs. But again! GAH! on the formatting of the first 7 albums, cos I like mix cds. Mix cds are fun. And yeah, I know they didn't have that technology when the guys put these records together, hell they didn't have the tape technology then either really...but still..GAH!
Another thank you very much to Mr. Hayward and Co for that one. He's on a fine line with me right now anyway. Cos frankly I'm still rankled over the concert in Monte Carlo. (But that's an entirely different rant...and I'll keep the thoughts that it should rain hard on his parade tomorrow night to myself)
So I'm pretty much alone in my musical strangeness, and that strangeness keeps growing and growing. I spent half of last night watching Diana Krall videos on her official site and then listening to Bernie Barlow's Golden CD.
Yeah, it sucks to be me on a Friday night. It would just be nice to have someone I could talk to about music that really understood my obsessions.
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
58 minutes ago
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