From Music Memoirs
What musical things are on your Christmas Wishlist?
My wishlist is mostly music, CDs that is. There are a few discs that are really hard to find that are on the list, like the Japanese issue of Keri Noble's new disc, Let Go! which won't be released until March in the US and the latest offering by The Buckinghams, Reaching Back which can only be bought here on their website.
Do you keep an online wishlist of music? If so where?
I keep mine on Amazon. Go on, have a look, you know you want to buy me presents. Ok, I know you don't but go ahead and look anyway. Right now there are 105 CDs on that list. Where they would go if they made their way to me I don't know. I need a bigger room for my music.
What would be your perfect music/music related gift if money were no object.
I would imagine that this would come as no surprise to any of you....
FISHY! I love my Pickle DJ, he's just the cutest widdle fishy wishy evah! Always has been, always will be. Le sigh.
Hey, he's a DJ, so that makes him music related, right? Yeah, and I know I'm beating a dead horse, but a girl has to have some kind of dream right? RIGHT!!!!
"Engineered Incompetence"
15 hours ago
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