Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Think I'm Resigned...

All I've ever wanted in my life is someone that I could talk to about music and the bizarre stuff that I like.

I'm fast realizing that this person doesn't exist.

I'm not even looking for a relationship in the "intimate" sense of the word, though I have to admit it would be kinda nice, though I'm not sure I could deal with it. I've lived the way I do now too long. Real life would probably send me into culture shock or something like that.

However none of this changes the fact that I'm lonely. I haven't any real friends in the area anymore, and the ones that I do have, don't share my interests.

~ big sigh ~

Yes, the Mistress is feeling sorry for herself in a big way.

In a few days I'll be back to normal. Maybe. Until then...Can I have a pity party?