13 things that have been keeping my sanity lately
1. Amazon.com: Because I love browsing through books and music and reading reviews, even when I don't have money. However I always end up buying something or wish listing something.
2. Cat Macros! I love them. I love the site I Can Has Cheezburger. When things get rough, this site makes me grin stupidly.
3. Online friends. Cos well, there aren't many friends locally that I can have girl talk with or anything else that's necessary to keep me from going over the edge.
4. The Beatlepics community on Livejournal. Pictures of the Fab 4 make me squee with joy. Especially pictures of George Harrison
5. Writing random emails to friends. It's seldom about what's on my mind, but typing at people keeps me sane. Don't tell the finned on that though.
6. Books: Even though I've been having a hard time finding something that will hold my interest lately.
7. Staring at my pictures on Flickr. Being reminded of good memories helps when life is sucking royally as it has been most of this year.
8. Reminding myself that this too will pass. I only wish it would all pass faster.
9. Exercise: At least when the temperatures aren't in the 90's. I can't work out in the heat. I get too tired and I end up not being able to a darn thing.
10. Making mix CDs or burning things for friends. A certain friend of mine has been swamped with music from me. My online Mom Linda needs to get her computer set up so I can send her a mp3 data CD soon!!!
11. Psych and Monk....keeping the sanity on Friday nights, except when flipping tennis is on. Grrr!
12. Cookbooks: One day I will be the best cook on the block. I'm developing my mother's passion for cookbooks. Please don't tell her.
13. Dwelling on the cliche "good things come to those who wait." because I've been waiting so long something fantastic is bound to happen any day now.
Musical Sunday
11 hours ago
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