The First Ten Years: Seriously I'm probably never going to listen to this one.

Rock N Roll Music: Again..I think I ordered them because Elvis Costello needs the cash to put the twins through college in 17 years.
~ I'm reading a wonderful book by Theresa Alan.

Granted no one is like a real human being, but it's extremely funny. It's about a group friends in an Improv troupe and their struggles to make it. It has the token beautiful blonde...the token fat girl..a gay guy...cos these are becoming a token character too.
I'm always a bit confused by how writers always make the heroine breathtakingly beautiful or dowdy, or so she believes she is. Its unnerving at times. Oh and even the dowdy ones have jobs, or can afford to have an apartment or a house on waitresses wages. Where the hell do these women live, anyway?
Ah but I shouldn't complain, it's a good book. I just long for something that smacks a little of reality so I could feel that there was hope for me one day.
~ Speaking of romance, ok, speaking of someone I still wouldn't mind hooking up with. Fishy is going to be in Smithton in a few hours. If I had courage, which I don't have, I would go just to say hi and to see how he would react to seeing me in the flesh as opposed to being crazy email girl, whose voice he knows without my even saying my name, even after 4 weeks of radio silence. "I'm the only one that calls him Fishy, besides his goddaughter" or so he said at one time.
But I know I won't go, for two reasons:
1. I don't want to be disappointed by him. If I planned this, I'd get my hopes up that he'd meet me and he'd realize I'm really a normal girl. (Well as normal as I can be) Our friendship would resume. Life would be happy again. My email box wouldn't be lonely anymore and I could listen to Pickle again in the morning.
2. All the pent up emotion would come washing through when I saw him and I'd either burst into tears or hit him. Both things aren't a good idea or a good way to make a first impression.
So you can see my dilemma and you can see why I'm going to be sitting on my butt at home or safely working out at Jack's. I don't think I could stand it the results of either of those reasons.
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