~ Dad's heart cath was done and he's home now. Can I get a yee ha for that? They found 2 small blockages that they don't believe will affect anything so they didn't do the angioplasty. The valve that's not working properly is also not as bad as they thought, so they chose not to do open heart surgery to fix. All these are the pluses. The minus is he has a weak heart muscle and they need to find the proper medication for him. My dad is one of the lucky few that don't suffer from hypertension. His blood pressure is actually on the low side.
~ I'm extremely tired after being up at what we like to call o'dark thirty to take dad into the city of Pittsburgh. I need another weekend to get over these last few days.
~ I got everyone to Shadyside Hospital without getting lost or without printing up directions. I am officially the goddess of driving in Pittsburgh. Bow to my greatness!
~ Boston Market sirloin dip sandwiches are delicious. So are the mashed potatoes.
~ The cost to park in a hospital parking lot is insane even when you have a patient in the hospital. WTF? They cut you a break on by charging you only $3.75 when you are picking the patient up or there for outpatient/short stay surgery.
~ UPMC Hospitals are the cleanest and most friendly hospitals I've ever been in. The hospital my sister was in in December gave me the creeps.
Musical Sunday
12 hours ago
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