Suddenly the one thing I was looking forward too isn't all that exciting. I really wanted to enjoy the trip to Canton, OH that I'm going to take tomorrow, but I just can't now. I'm going to be a basket case the whole time.
At least I'm going to be staying with my brother, whose wife is a cardiac nurse, so she can reassure me that when I come home on Monday everything will be fine. Everything must be fine. Or as fine as it can be.
I'm just so damn tired right now. I've been getting to bed later. I've been trying to get stuff done.
But I am going to try to enjoy the 2 days that I'm away from home. However all I want right now is a few good hours of uninterrupted sleep, because no matter what I do, my body has been waking up earlier and earlier and I haven't been able to fall back to sleep. Maybe when I'm at my brother's where there's central air, I'll be able to zone out for a full 8.
I'll be leaving shortly after work tomorrow and staying until Sunday evening. My brother is a computer guru so I'll probably be able to post after tomorrow morning too.
Musical Sunday
12 hours ago
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