I think my weekend has turned into one big lazyfest. I just have no motivation to do anything at all.
I did get to the gym 2 times though, so I think I deserve a yee ha for that.
I found out that I need to make a small purchase at Snapfish or they'll delete all my photos. ARGH! So I went to my account only to find out I hadn't uploaded the pictures from my grandmother's 100th b-day party. Those were the pictures I wanted to buy too.
So I've got 30 days to get those uploaded so I can make a purchase.
Can I just say that's so damn aggravating? Because it is. It's damn aggravating.
I still have to upload pictures from the Akron Zoo from last week to flikr as well as the pictures I took at Critter Country Animal Park yesterday. I have no idea when I'm going to get that done either. I hate the process of weeding through photos to get rid of the shots that didn't turn out.
I'm just totally exhausted. I never feel like I have enough sleeping time or time to do anything I want to do, but when I do get to do something the time flies by.
I think I'm just totally exhausted, physically and mentally. It's been a very rough few weeks and I don't think I'm over any of it just yet.
Musical Sunday
12 hours ago
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