From Music Memoirs
Back in the day before the internet ruled the earth and people went to malls etc...
What was your favorite record store?
Oasis Music, which was a division of the National Record Mart chain was my very favorite. It was a huge store located near South Park off Route 88. My CD collection grew large partially due to that store. I loved it to pieces and went there at least twice a month.
Are there any non-chain stores that you still frequent for your music needs?
When I'm in Pittsburgh I try to hit Dave's Music Mine on the South Side. They have a huge vinyl section in the basement of the store, plus they carry imports! That's a big Squee for a girl that loves music from Europe.
What was your favorite "find" at your favorite store?
I found a Duran Duran poster at Oasis back in the early 90's from the early days. I can't remember if it was Rio era or Seven & The Ragged Tiger era, but the poster was mint, and I paid only 50 cents for it!!!
Musical Sunday
11 hours ago
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