~ Someone please make the DJ stop showing up in my dreams at night. I don't want him there. At least this time I know why he was there, because my CD player conked out on me again last night and I listened to 99.3 The Pickle on my way home from fridge hunting. In doing so, I know that Mr. Fish is going to be in Smithton on Saturday morning. Don't worry, I'm not going, I'm not that foolish and I'm not that masochistic.
~ Dad's home from the hospital. Yay! They found nothing wrong. Grrrrr. My mother was put through hell for nothing. However nothing is loads better than something. But why just because someone is old, do they rule out the obvious. That the heat got to him and the quick change in temperature combined with not eating right, made him pass out.
~ I'm so sleepy right now I don't know how I'm going to stay awake for the rest of the day. I've had a bunch of late nights and last night I managed to get into bed before 11, but that didn't make me any less tired today.
~ I need to go to Jack's tonight. No exercise in 4 days is not good for my butt, especially in weather that makes me retain water like a sponge.
~ Found a fridge at Lowe's last night that's suitable for the family and under $500. I think an 18.2 cu ft. will do nicely. I don't care as long as it's got a decent freezer! Will return there on Monday after my dad's doctor's appointment to buy it.
Musical Sunday
11 hours ago
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