There is still no word on what might have caused him to black out and fall on Monday. They've run every kind of heart test imaginable. Nothing so far, but yesterday's results aren't in yet. So today's another day of waiting and wondering.
We're all nervous because the tests yesterday were for Stroke symptoms as well as heart.
I remember when I walked into the ER and asked about my father on Monday and they said the last ambulance brought an elderly man awhile ago. I wanted to deck the nurse. That elderly man IS MY FATHER!
I hate that word. Because I don't think of my dad as being elderly. Occasionally we'll call him an old fart, but not elderly. That word just sounds nasty to me.
He's in good spirits and hasn't had any episodes since his spill on Monday. He wants to come home and we want him to come home too. I hope everything is clear so life can return to normal soon. This is too much craziness for me to handle. My mom is actually worse then he is when she's in the hospital.
Pray for our sanity my friends, pray for our sanity
Musical Sunday
11 hours ago
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