I don't know if that's true for everyone, but it's certainly true for me. Music has been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. There are three things that stick out in my mind from my childhood and they all involve music. Some kids watch Mr. Rogers and Seaseme Street, I watched The Monkees and The Beatles Cartoons and Yellow Submarine. That's not to say I didn't watch those others, because I did, but the musical shows had more of an impact on my life.
I can't tell you a time when music wasn't part of my daily life. I've tried to play it. I was in band in grade school, but I'm a lousy French Horn player. I was in chorus in junior high, but I can't carry a tune.
Music conspires against me. But I still love it.
I've listened to music from almost every decade. My favorites are the 60's and the 80's, though the 70's are creeping in there. I've listened to all genres too. Some I love, some I can't stand. Some have their moments in my life too.
Some bands try to creep into my life but the time isn't right for them. In the mid 80's I wanted to like The Moody Blues, but something wasn't quite right then. Almost 20 years later the time was right and they are my favorite band. There's not a day that goes by that I don't hear at least one of their songs.
A year or so ago I heard the original version of Song For A Winter's Night by Gordon Lightfoot. At the time I could only love the Sarah McLachlan version, but this past summer I was acquainted with the song The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald and Sundown and I gave the original another listen. Now I appreciate the beauty of both versions.
Every song and every band has had a special place in my life. I wonder how I have any room for any more musical loves, but I guess my heart and my room will just continue to expand as my CD collection does.
Without music my life would be dull as well as a mistake.
Inconvenience Fees
11 hours ago
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