When Madonna wasn't one of the most annoying celebrities on the planet. I'm a child of the 80's, so I grew up with good Madonna. The Madonna that was more than a bit sleazy and slutty and did songs that made you get up and shake it while you sang along.
Seriously, I miss her wearing her cone-shaped bras on the outside. I miss the music that wasn't ripping off ABBA or trying to be political. I liked Madonna, the Queen Of All Pop Tarts, the Material Girl who oddly thought she was Marilyn Monroe.
My Madonna isn't this woman who is pretending to be an uppercrust Brit. Pah, Maddy, you're from Michigan, get a grip.
The last album she did that I really liked was Music. I wasn't too keen on Ray Of Light which came before it, though it was a huge success. The new albums I refuse to buy, they are just too horrible to be considered.
I really should have known it was going downhill when she had to resort to kissing Britney Speers and Christina Aguilera to get attention. The old Maddy would never have had to do that to shock someone. She would have come up with something better, or at least someone better looking to liplock with.
Sadly she's influenced another 80's icon into taking the foray with bad teenybopper pop musicians. Duran Duran are now working with Justin Timberlake on a song for their next album.
I could just cry.
What is the world coming to?
Maddy, why couldn't you have just stayed a slutty poptart that sang passably good pop music and didn't have to drag other bands along with you for the ride.
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