Thirteen reasons why I must not eat like a pig on Thanksgiving
1. I need to lose 10 lbs to reach my goal weight of 125, which comes and goes. I'm sick of weighing in at 136.
2. If I ever do run into Mr. DJ man from WPKL, I don't want to look like a repulsive heffalump that would make him run screaming. (My personality is usually enough to make men run screaming)
3. That wacky enzyme in turkey makes me sleepy and cranky. It's best not to eat too much or their will be holiday rows.
4. My size 4 pants that I love are a bit snug. Damn and blast.
5. If I eat too much on Thanksgiving there might not be sufficient leftovers for Black Friday.
6. There are other things I need to do tomorrow, that don't involve shoving food down my gaping piehole.
7. Just because I cooked some of it, doesn't mean it's edible. (most likely it won't be)
8. A person can really only eat so much right? How many helpings of mashed potatoes before a person explodes? I don't need to find out!
9. Catching up on my sleep is much more useful and doesn't have any calories.
10. I have self esteem issues already, I don't need any more.
11. I want to remain a size small. I wouldn't mind being an extra small.
12. The cats will want some turkey too, and they can't have any if I've eaten it all.
13. I've been sick off and on again for the last week and a half, I don't need any repeats.
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