Thanks to "Fish" at WPKL, my geekily sexy DJ, I now know that nearly 40 years ago, Nights In White Satin held the number 2 spot on the charts.
Now we all know that I love the Moody Blues. But did you know that I hate hate hate that song?
Well I do. It annoys the heck and possibly the hell out of me. It's long, it's boring and with Late Lament attached to the end it's downright annoying.
I don't think I've ever said I wanted to listen to that song. GAH. And Justin has awards for writing that. It goes to show that they'll give out awards to anything. He's written so much better material. Tuesday Afternoon is a better song, in my personal honest opinion.
So thanks to that song being number 2, I had to hear it this morning on the Real Dill Pickle Morning Show. Thanks Fish! I appreciate that. Once was enough though. Unfortunately that was not to be the case. Only I can't blame Fish for the second time they played it. Someone actually called in to request it!
Over 14 minutes of my life were wasted staring at the microwave radio @ work. Yes, you read that right, my radio @ work is part of the microwave.
Why oh why couldn't Ride My See-Saw have been number 2?
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