Thirteen photos of my family
1. My father

2. My nephew Michael with Itchy

3. My grandma, who will be 100 on March 10

4. My sister and I with a very big bug in Hershey Gardens this past June

5. My mum with Oogie early in the morning (don't let her see this pic!)

6. Mom and Dad's wedding photo

7. Misty ready to join in the Christmas festivities

8. Just about everyone sitting down to eat Christmas din din

9. My brother's wife, my nephew and my brother, Rudy

(This photo is payback for all the pictures he took of me with food in my mouth!)
10. Grandma, Cheryl and a sulking Michael

11. Purrbee our nice little dog

12. Buddah cleaning out the turkey pan.

13. Mutchka in a frying pan.

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