Top Five Albums That Have Had an Influence on Your Life
1. Elvis Costello - Spike

This album definitely affected my preceptions of pop music. It was the first Costello CD I bought. It's still a favorite of mine. Until this album most of the music I listened to was cheesy pop and The Beatles. (The Beatles are a category unto themselves) Mind you I still love cheesy pop, especially if it's from the 60's and the 80's.
2. The Moody Blues - The Other Side Of Life

Your Wildest Dreams had a huge affect on my writing. So many stories came out of the plot of this song's video. It's amazing that I didn't buy the CD until a few years ago. I know I wanted it when it came out, but I never got around to buying it.
3. The Phantom Of The Opera - Original Cast Recording

My love of musical theatre started here, with the cast that included Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman. Oh and it's the only cast recording worth having. The movie version makes me cringe, much like any cover of Nights In White Satin.
4. Oingo Boingo - Best O'Boingo

This is the first Oingo Boingo CD I listened to. This band pretty much defined my senior year in high school. The good the bad and the ugly all wrapped up in a Danny Elfman song.
5. The Moody Blues - December
This is the album that made me really love Christmas music. Blame Don't Need A Reindeer for that.
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