13 things I wish I could do over.
1. The months from Jan - Mar when I let emotions take over for the first time in years. If I could do it all over, I wouldn't give a shit.
2. I wouldn't have planned trips that wouldn't happen. Oddly from the end of last year, I knew there would be no vacation for me this year. I don't know why I let myself dream of one.
3. I wouldn't have bought those Grass Roots concert tickets in Feb. for a show in Oct in Uniontown. Oct 6 is fast approaching and I have no desire whatsoever to go to the concert. Not because I don't want to see the band, because I really love The Grass Roots but for other reasons.
4. I would have stuck it out a little while longer at PRC even though that job nearly took my sanity. Maybe if I had I wouldn't be in the financial shape I'm in now. Then again maybe I'd be in the looney bin.
5. On August 25, 2007 I would have stayed home all day or gone somewhere far away from my little hamlet of Charleroi on Mon.
6. I wouldn't have let myself get sucked into working retail straight from college, even though I had big dreams of managing Kaufmann's at the time. Retail is ugly. It's even uglier at Christmas and no one seems to understand that its not an easy job, but rather a thankless one.
7. I wouldn't have gone to that Oct. concert in Cincinnati a few years back. It wasn't worth the trouble.
8. I would have got tickets to see the Wallflowers when they played the Borgata when I was there to see The Moody Blues a few years back.
9. I would have sued the pants off the company I worked for when they wouldn't give me off when my mother was having surgery a few years back. I'm pretty sure I had a case against them more then once, but I didn't have and probably never would have had the strength to go through a trial.
10. I would have gone to Metropol more. (I miss 80's night!)
11. I probably wouldn't have spent the money on one of the two gadgets I bought this year. Needless spending needs to be curbed. Even though I love my Zen and my new Easyshare camera.
12. That teal Grandam, I would never ever have bought that, even though Greta was the prettiest car I ever owned. I also sunk more money into her than any other vehicle I've owned.
13. I wouldn't have taken the advice of certain friends to do things that eventually caused only one person humiliation and grief, ME! (Oddly this relates back to number one on the list)
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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