And I've lived to tell about it.
How is it that no matter when you go, the place is understaffed and not stocked properly. We have a Super Walmart in Rostraver and I am unfortunately there more than I want to be, because for the most part, it's the cheapest place for certain things that make life worth living.
I've also learned that if you go at the beginning of the week, you are less likely to want to kill someone during your jaunt through the store.
Not so, last night, but I'll blame that on PMS. I am a cranky beotch right now.
Still, why must you take up the whole aisle to restock...erm...cotton balls?
Why are they restocking cotton balls when the grocery section of the store looks like a blizzard was in the forecast. (And tumbleweeds are running down the shelves.
I have a dream that one day I'll go to Walmart and the pasta aisle will be stocked with every variety of pasta I can imagine. I swear I've never seen that aisle completely stocked. That goes hand in hand with the dream that I won't be in a line 6 deep to get out of the damn store too.
Oh and to make matters worse, there were pharmacy issues yesterday. The normal 25 minute wait for a refill etc was up to 45 minutes.
Not fun.
The pharmacy is almost as crazy as the check out line.
As always, I leave the store with a twitch. Oh and a buggy that refused to steer!
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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