Mr. Fishy has the patience of a saint to put up with my nonsense. Hmmm Saint Fishy. Oye. I don't want to go there.
That size 8 foot is aiming for my mouth as I type.
Anyhow, it seems this is the best way I could find to get some songs that well...I thought should be forced upon him. Erm...they're good songs. At least I think so. And that's my personal arrogant opinion and I'm sticking to it.
Anyhow...I tried to put these songs on another server for streaming purposes and of course, it didn't work. Going through a few of my friends websites, I found filefactory, which has this cute, mp3 player type widget. The songs stay active for 7 days. I think it's going to work.
So give the songs a listen and let me know what you think. (That means Mr. Fishy too...when he has a few moments, of course)
Here's hoping I haven't swallowed anymore shoe leather.
Musical Sunday
22 hours ago
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