8 things I'm glad to have done in my life
1. Discovering Atlantic City.

2. Finishing 2..no wait I think it's 3 novels, even though I'm too chicken to attempt to get them published. It's getting the story out that matters.
3. Going back to Longwood Gardens when I was old enough to appreciate it.

4. Getting out of the last job I had to go back to the one I'm in, though I had benefits coming to me. Better to not have benefits and have some sanity.
5. Getting my bachelor's degree, even though it's never really been put to use.
6. Buying Diana Krall's The Girl In The Other Room. If I hadn't then I never would have heard Narrow Daylight and my life would not have been the same.
7. Getting the courage to do something, even though I regretted it later. Never mind what it was or who was involved.
8. Starting this blog. Though the address has changed. This blog has been my outlet for my feelings, my creative juices and the music I love for the last 5 years.
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