Firstly I have to say, Barry Manilow's Mandy needs to get out of my head. I was sampling his Greatest Songs Of The Seventies album this morning, which is a bad thing to start with, wanting to hear the acoustic version of the song. But the page I was on didn't have that one, or I couldn't get to it, so I ended up listening to the song I snagged from a CD back when it was a Number 1 Monday or Number 2 Tuesday on The Pickle and Fish decided to make my life hell by playing that song.
Make it go away!!
Oh wait...his version of It Never Rains In Southern California is now there.
Help me!!!!
I don't want Barry Manilow in my head or anywhere else.
Damn I just wanted to hear the acoustic version of Mandy.
If you want to join me in hell just click here.
Secondly I'm depressed that I won't be getting Diana Krall's best of until sometime in Oct. It's going to be released this week, but I decided to save some cash and have it shipped with the Matchbox Twenty best of that's out on Oct 2.
I hate waiting for stuff.
I also told a certain DJ that I was going to be busy most of this week, which is true but suddenly I have so much to tell him. I don't know if I can hold it all in until Thursday when most stuff will have calmed down. I may explode from all the music news I have to share.
The waiting really is the hardest part.
Musical Sunday
21 hours ago
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