I finished my workout today and decided to treat myself to a nice salad at Wendy's. I love salads.
Wendy's was crazy busy when I got there though. The drive thru line went around the building and inside wasn't much better.
The worst of it was there was some dude that decided that he wanted to be in my personal space. Uh erm. If I don't know you, you stay at least a foot away from me. I don't care how long the line is. I should not have to feel you breathing down my neck.
To make matters worse this guy seemed quite taken with my backside.
My backside is nothing to write home about. And please don't get close enough to touch it...unless of course you answer to the name "Fish" and you work at an oldies radio station located on the top of a hill in California/Brownsville.
If you do not meet these requirements; GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY PERSONAL SPACE!
Seriously. I'm not what you call a touchy feelly person, but I do believe in touching when it's appropriate.
Getting up in someone's space at Wendy's is not appropriate, especially as I don't even know who the hell you are!!!!!!!!
Rant ended...pass a beer
Musical Sunday
22 hours ago
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