The food is fantastic and not too expensive for a fair. I had beef stew in a bread bowl for $3.75 and it was so good. The price was less than Panera Bread too, if I remember correctly. Drinks are pricey. Soda is $2.25 for a bottle. Water is $1.50 and beer $3.00.
That aside, be merry. Oh and get a turkey drumstick. They are fantastic, but you'll need a friend to share it with, those are big birdies.
The shows were marvelous. I was really amused by the Washing Well Wenches and the Naughty Bawdy Babes. The first group are a bit of a comedy act and they are just hysterical. And the Babes, well they sing a bunch of old raunchy folk songs.

The Washing Well Wenches
So far I've kept myself from singing "Roll you leg over and do me til dawn." in public. But if I do,'s their fault.

The Naughty Bawdy Babes
Then there was the jousting. Mmmmm The jousting. Those were some lovely men on those horses.
Let me introduce you to the these knights that weren't in white satin.

Sir William in his armor.

Roderick, the evil knight. How can you boo the block in your city's colors, eh? And he's a pretty fine knight if you ask me.

Oh and here's my favorite, Sir Aidan. Lord of Sexyness.
Such fun! I must go back next weekend. I must!
But wait I forgot the thing that had me awestruck. Cast In Bronze was there. Cast in Bronze is the only transportable carillon in the US, and to hear those bells. It's beyond description.

All my pictures from the festival can be found here. Go have a look.
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