~For those of you that don't know, I have another blog that I write on. I kinda amused myself with today's post, so I figured I'd plug the site over here, so as some of you might go and have a look
Click the button!
~I've come up with another idea for a mix cd. Yup, out of the blue inspiration has struck. I tried awhile ago to do a mix for each decade, called Decade of Song. It wasn't the easiest task. Why? The 60's! ARGH! There are very few songs in that decade that were longer than 3 minutes. Bless the Moody Blues for helping to pioneer songs that don't ever end aloing with the Beatles of course.
So rather than trying to redo those mixes, which I don't think are quite perfect yet, I came up with the idea of the Songs of Yesterday mix.
This mix will probably be comprised of 2 discs. One for the 60's and 70's and another for the 80's and 90's. Then again I may change my mind and just do 1 disc. But I thought the idea was a good one.
~The Kinks did a few really cool songs in the 80's that no one really pays much attention to. I'm talking about Come Dancing and Do It Again. Both are typical of 80's cheese pop, but The Kinks seem to do that style so well. If you haven't heard these 2 songs, I suggest you look them up, they are worth it.
~The news is treating Mtv's decision to move the videos that are of a "racy" nature to the late night time slot like this is something new and different. Uh? Excuse me, they've done this time and time again! Any of you remember Cher's video for "If I Could Turn Back Time?" Yeah, where unsuspecting viewers got to see Cher's tatooed buttocks. Far less stink was made over this than Ms. Jackson's boob.
I say big deal to the whole thing. Though I would like to see some reverse descrimination. Why are there never any half nekkid good looking men in videos? Oh how I'd love to see some "wardrobe malfunctions" by some of musical men on my concubine list.
You know like the man in the black shorts
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
11 hours ago