The subject line today is the first line of the song "Forever Autumn." I know that it's not quite autumn yet, but it seems that way.
In my little part of the world, the weather seems to know when the kids start back to school. It becomes chillier in the mornings. Those hot, humid days are few and far between. My sleeves start getting longer.
How does it know?
I looked out my window last night at 8 o'clock and it was dark.
Where did the summer go?
I know I've ranted about it before, but I still feel like I could have done more this summer, even though I know I couldn't have. Perhaps I could have made it to a beach or an amusement park, but a real vacation would be out of the question.
You have no idea how envious I am of those people that get to go places. I'm really looking forward to my weekend away this month.
Did I mention that I'm going back to Atlantic City for a day trip? And then I'm stopping at Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square on the Sunday that we are coming home.
Neither Mary or myself have much money for this trip, but we're going anyway. The following weekend is the Phil Collins concert in Pittsburgh, and we're in peanut heaven there, but we're still going. Cheesy, adult contemporary music, but I've heard good things about this tour, so I'm looking forward to it. It will probably be the last concert I see for a long while. Unless the Moodies come back to the east coast...and I can't see that happening until next year...but there is Elvis Costello.
I should stop with the concert dreams. I've had a wonderful summer of concerts. I've had a really nice summer too, even though I've done a lot of bitching about it.
And I'm thankful, these guys were a part of it.
Sexy Moody Men
"Engineered Incompetence"
15 hours ago
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