My favorite Meme of the week. No week would be complete without it...and I'm not just saying that to suck up!
1. You are given 1 million dollars. You must give it all away before the donor gives you $1 million. Who would you give it to?
I'll give it to my mother so that all her debts would be paid off and that she'd have no worries over medical or living expenses.
2. If you had $1 million what would you do with it FIRST?
Pay off all my bills and then spend a great deal of it on frivolous that run..clothes (designer, of course)'d visit some of my friends that don't live in the area and I'd go to all the spots in the world I want to see. ~sigh~ Where's my million?
3. Do you participate in lotteries?
No, not often. Though if it's for a good cause I'd buy a ticket. To me, it seems like throwing money away and I can't afford that.
4. Name 3 of your best physical features.
Are you joking? I don't have any....
You're going to make me answer this aren't you?
Well, if I must...
a. eyes
b. smile
c. hands
5. ..... 3 of your biggest virtues.
These questions are painful...
a. generosity
b. helpfulness
c. loving
6. ......3 or you biggest vices.
a. Music
b. Writing
c. Clothes
7. ...... 3 of your favorite pleasures in life.
See answers to question 6...Nah..swap clothes for chocolate!!
8 If you were a member of the opposite sex, what would you choose to do for your occupation?
Just a singer in a rock and roll band.....
9. If you were to come back after death as another animal, what animal would you choose to be?
A well loved house cat. After all, what do house cats do, besides eat, sleep, pooh and ignore us?
10. What kind of 'baby' are you... water, clouds, beach, garden?
People say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...I hope someday you'll join us...and the world will live as one ---- John Lennon, Imagine
"Engineered Incompetence"
15 hours ago
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