Have any of you ever reached this lovely place? You know, where everything is boring, including the things you love to do the most.
Well, yesterday I had the misfortune of reaching this place. Shame it's not Threshold Music, or I'd hang out and wait for the Moody Blues to show up. But that's another rant altogether.
I had the day off work yesterday. Not by choice, of course, by the boss. So I was up from 6:30 til about 11 last night. It was rainy and miserable outside and thanks to the bossman, I'm financially challenged, therefore, going out and doing something was out of the question.
I went online and checked out jobs. Because I'm going out of my mind and I findt there's nothing that pays what I make at my current job. (Is it a job?) So that put some depression in with the boredom.
That little search put me off the computer and I wasn't in the mood for writing much yesterday, though the readers of my current project did get some short updates. By 11 last night, my computer was bored and decided the last page and a half that I wrote was crap and crashed, taking it with it.
Nothing was cooperating with me. Reading wasn't holding my attention and neither was music. Thankfully a few online friends were about yesterday, so I didn't go stark raving mad, just close to it.
Oh and have I mentioned that as much as I love Law and Order, I can't watch episode after episdoe, like my mother can? Actually I watch about 10 minutes of it and I leave. I come back towards the end to find out what happened.
All the Law & Orders were ones I'd seen.
Truly the world was working against me.
But I can tell you what complete and total boredom feels like, and it ain't pretty.
Music, Writing, Telly, The Computer, and Reading couldn't hold my interest. I couldn't nap.
It was awful. I don't recommend anybody getting this bored. It's not good for the sanity.
Now onto something fun. The Mid-Week Music Meme. It seems I'm always a week late on this one..maybe I'll do this week's question after work, if it's up.
What music piece from a movie stands out for you as particularly memorable and/or enjoyable?
Now we all know that I love the Edward Scissorhands score, but as far as memorable, that has to go to Elfman's Sleepy Hollow score. Beautifully done and scary as well. You just had to listen to know when the Headless Horsemen was coming to knock off a few heads.
Elfman is a true talent in his area. It's a shame he's not more recognized.
And now for something pretty...
This picture is on my fridge. Tee Hee! Happy Hump Day, everyone!
"Engineered Incompetence"
15 hours ago
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