When It Rains It Pours
And that's what it's been doing all day today. A miserable trickle down and then pour down rain. Not condusive to doing anything really, except bring strange things out of hiding. Strange things like my amazing missing boss, who turned up finally after a month today. After I told someone I'd come in for an interview tomorrow afternoon. I may be working tomorrow instead.
If only...
I would be so happy to be back in my office doing menial craptastic clerical work. I want the sun to shine. I want to go back to going walkies for an hour and a half each day. I used to walk 5 miles a day at the walking path in a neighboring town. I loved it. I could walk for hours and it wouldn't bother me at all. I miss that.
I want to go back to working. If I go back to my job.
1. That threat of bankruptcy might stop looming over my head.
2. I can pay for some of those concerts I'm going to. And get cool stuff while I'm there.
3. I'll stop wanting to kill people at home. (It's more fun to want to kill them at work)
4. I may be able to start doing things again. (I haven't been out and about in months anywhere fun)
On that note I have accomplished a few things in my time off.
1. Wrote a 395 page novel.
2. Wrote several short stories totaling at least 200 pages.
3. Saw the Moody Blues in concert (and some other nice things)
4. Saw Eddie Izzard too.
It's not all bad, but it sure hasn't been a bed of roses.
Cartoon Saturday
17 hours ago
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