There's so much to Easter that we forget, simply because its a religious holiday. We try to cover that up with chocolate bunnies and marshmallow peeps. But there is more to it, and even if you are in the non-religious and non-believer sect that so many people seem to fall under these days, I think you should take the time to reflect on life and the joys of spring at this time of year.
For those of us that have our faith and belief, this is a time that brought true forgiveness to the world. Forgiveness that we as people don't always extend those around us. We center too much on hate and the bad things in life and neglect hold out a hand and say "It's finished" "It's forgiven."
No one wants to be hurt and no one wants bad things to happen to them, but nonetheless they do. Do we forever hold our grudges and punish the world with our anger? I'm as guilty as the next person, in holding my anger in and not easily forgiving slights against me. But is it really the right thing to do? No.
So today, on this spring morning, that's just a touch bit chilly in my part of the world, I say to those of you that I've had arguments with, that I've not spoken too. "It's finished" "It's forgiven," because someone at sometime has forgiven me.
That's the true joy of Easter, receiving forgiveness for what we've done wrong and the joy of knowing we have a new beginning.
And for me, I offer all of you the blessings of the Easter Season.
"Engineered Incompetence"
15 hours ago