Do you ever wonder about the people that read your blogs? I mean, those of you that have blogs, of course. I check my 2 traffic counters daily to see who's been here. ( logs ISPs too, so I know the troublemakers...and they know who they are)
They think they are so funny acting like this
Seriously, and this is going off my subject, but there is no person whose ass I'd kiss for something trivial. The people that know what I'm talking about...without my mentioning names..other than Moody Bitches...will know the person whom I am referencing now.
And to them, I say, go read LadyStarlight's post of 4/16, and heed her words.
Take that Moody Bitches..Again or at least get stuffed.
But back to the rant at hand...All of you lurkers out there. Why not say hi? You are here for a reason...obviously. Say something! I need some amusement in my life.
"Engineered Incompetence"
15 hours ago