Monday, April 19, 2004

Time to Mambo....Italiano..

This week's mambo....brought to you by the wacky ladies at BDI.....

The question of the week is?

If you could trade places with 2 different artists for one day each, who would they be and why?

The answer of the week is

1. Diana Krall: Not that I like and or admire her. Her voice grates on my nerves and lordy I don't want to look like the human version of Miss Piggy, but hell, if I get to shag Elvis Costello, well then I'm all for it.

(Did you expect a different answer for that one?)

The second one, now that's a bit difficult, cos I don't particularly care for many female artists...(at least none that I'd want to be for a day)

I'm tempted to answer Madonna for the second one, but then I think of Lourdes and Rocco and remember my allergy to rugrats. They give me hives something awful. So I couldn't be "I, Mother, Madonna" for the day...nope...

Being Siouxsie Sioux would be kewl, but she's not touring or I'd be sitting around doing Siouxsie things whatever they might be. Hmmmm...NO.

Cher?....Definitely not, unless I got to keep some of the clothes...

Celine Dion?

HA HA HA HA HA....I'd rather be dead...though if I could do something to end her career.....well then maybe..

So one thought comes to mind....


Why? I think she's still touring for the Harem album, and if I'm going to be someone for the day, I want to be on stage, singing my heart out. (on key at last!!) Oh and I still want to bring back some of her costumes etc. Sarah has the greatest costume designer for her tours.

Hmmm I wonder if she has some interesting groupies?