A Little Bit of Monday Madness
Couldn't start a Monday without this one. Keeps me on my toes.
1. What makes your country special?
This could turn into an all out rant. In the beginning it was the freedoms that we had in this nation and all the opportunities that could be found for anyone. The American dream was there for the taking. Sadly over the last 40 years those freedoms and that dream have erroded, but still we are a better nation to live in than most.
So I'll just say....that the United States has so much natural beauty that it has to be special. Lets hope our gov't leaders keep it that way.
2. What makes your hometown special?
This is an easy one. There are only 2 Charlerois in the world, Charleroi PA where I live and Charleroi in Belgium. Both are glass making towns. There's a fun factoid for ya!
3. What makes your neighbourhood special?
There's something special about it? I hadn't noticed. Actually, we're a pretty close knit bunch of people. My father cuts grass for the neighbors and my grandmother lives across the street. We all know each other, but thankfully we don't know each other's business. Which is why we're all friends I suppose.
4. And your loved ones - what is it about them???
I think it is the dysfunctionalness of my family that makes them so lovable. There's nothing normal about anyone in my family. To tell you all about them would take pages and pages of entries. But what I suppose is good and special about them, is that all of them would do anything to help another family member, or offer encouragement when things are rough.
5. And finally you - what is it that is unique about you...???
Me? Oh dear. I suppose its my writing talent. I'm almost done with a short story. It's going to be about 30 pages long, based on the song Railway Hotel by Mike Batt. I always have an idea for a story in my head. I finished writing a nearly 400 page long novel about 2 weeks ago, and now I'm almost done with a 30 page short story. So I think that's probably what's unique about me.
Cartoon Saturday
17 hours ago
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