Small Changes
I've been trying to clean things up on the blog. I'm hoping to get some template issues straightened. Not real issues with the template which is gorgeous, but with my clutter.
So in attempt to spring clean the blog I took down some of the buttons and put those people's bloggy addresses in my dailies. So Sabra and Brighid I still love ya, you're in my dailie list, don't worry.
Dear god in heaven I have a lot of dailies. And do you know what, I try to pop in on everyone's blog at least once a day if not more. (Why more? Cos I get bored and just mindly click linkys on my site)
And while we're onto the changes thing. I suppose I should clarify why Diana Krall isn't a favorite of mine. I do forget sometimes that a few of the people reading this don't know me as well as others and don't know my obsessions.
Elvis Costello is a not huge, gi-normous (As gi-normous as Marie Hayward's teeth) favorite of mine. I lust after Mr. Costello. Nuff said.
Ms. Krallstello, Diana, Krallomort as I've been known to call her, is his wife. Point number 1 against her. Points 2 and 3 are songs she covered, namely And I Love Him (her) and A Case of You. Both of those tunes turned my stomach and sent my opinion of her spiraling to the lowest level and opinion can sink.
In my book, killing a Beatles song is an unforgivable offense. She killed a Beatles song and a Joni Mitchell song. That's a huge double whammy.
These are the reasons why some people will be truly astonished by my liking The Girl In The Other Room.
So thats definitely a go along with all the other little ones
Cartoon Saturday
17 hours ago
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