Let's Do The Mind Hump Again
It's just a jump to the left....
And then a step to the rii----iiiiight
Ooops that's the time warp. Sorry.
This week's mind hump brought to you by those crazy ladies at BDI!
This week free association - some fun with "I say, you think" with a crazy sort of Spring twist.
First, as a warm up, using the letters G-A-R-D-E-N reveal six things about yourself.
Now that you're warmed up ... Let's hump, shall we? Below are a list of words. Respond with the first words, words, phrase or insane idea that pops into your head!
Groovy - as in feelin' groovy
Always tired these days and very sad about that
Reads a lot. (Mostly vampire stories)
David Justin Hayward (That's his full name...allow me to thud now)
Editing is the thing I hate most about writing
Never will give up my love for music
1. hoe garden
2. lips kiss
3. butter bread
4. pie Sweet Cherry (anyone remember that cheesy song by Warrant besides me?)
5. groovy Feelin' Groovy - by Simon and Garfunkel
6. hook line and sinker
7. believe in me, I wish someone would
8. fountain of youth
9. bush don't reelect that weed masquerading as a plant
10. sprout bean
Happy Hump Day to one and to all!!
"Engineered Incompetence"
15 hours ago