A Musical of Lennon's Music
There's something not so right about that subject line. John Lennon and a musical. It doesn't sit well with me. Then again, the more I learn about John Lennon's life the more he doesn't sit well with me either.
I suppose brilliant minds are always misunderstood, and there's no doubt that John was brilliant ....ah I'm digressing again.
Why does Yoko need to do this? Does she not have enough of his money and the rights to everything that was John Lennon? It's fine that Benny and Bjorn from ABBA did Mamma Mia....they've done musical theatre...and it was their own descision...and Billy Joel..chose to do Movin' Out... I can't see John Lennon deciding to do musical theatre. It doesn't strike me as something that he would have ever done. I could be wrong, but that's my impression of the man.
So John Lennon wrote over 200 songs from 1970 - 1980. Should I start counting the one's that Paul McCartney wrote? I bet he would have the better musical. (But please Paulie..this is not a request for you to do one)
But while I'm on that train of thought..what about Elvis Costello..I bet he's written more than 200 in 10 years and thank god he hasn't jumped on the musical band wagon. Don't get me wrong...I love musicals, I just prefer them to have original 'new' songs written for their stories...not ones that were already recorded by pop acts.
Back to John Lennon...from 1970-1980 he had a rather dry spell...choosing to be Mr. Mom...which is fine...In my eyes the man only did two good songs in 4 years..Mind Games and Imagine, neither of which are high on my list of favorites. Good songs yes...favorites of mine no....
For now I'm going to sit here baffled at what this music can possibly be about...and continue to wish Yoko Ono to perdition....for continuing to bastardize her late husband's work.
6375 Long joke Sunday
19 minutes ago
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