I'm on an Elvis Costello Strike
Why do people have to fuel my insanity? I had a lovely blog in mind about the Moody Blues that will have to wait for a bit now.
So what's the deal with the Elvis Strike? A thread at the Costello Discussion Forum prompted this madness.
How long have you gone without listening to Elvis?
That's annoying...
Cos the vast majority of people that post on message boards (myself included) are often just a little too obsessive. Only the Costello fans...and the Moody Blues fans also have the problem of being a trifle pretentious...
"How would I ever survive without the vocal stylings of Mr. Costello?"
So in answering the thread...I realized...that I could go quite a bit without listening to Mr. Costello. There are actually some days where I don't even listen to any music at all.
No...this cannot be...for you are the Music Whore..
Sad but true...
Anyway...I realized I hadn't listened to Elvis Costello in over 2 days. (and I survived) So I'm going to try to see how long I can last without a fix. Sadly he's on many of my mix cds, so I'll just have to find other things to listen to if I take a drive.
After all...there is more to life than Elvis Costello...there's the Moody Blues...Enigma...Annie Halsam...Delerium...Matchbox Twenty...the list could go on. Why would I want to listen to Elvis everyday?
The answer is...I wouldn't. Not anymore. The initial..."I'm so in love with his music" phase has worn off. Yes I buy his reissues as they come out...Yes I listen to him when the mood strikes...and Yes I love his music...
No..I don't need it to breathe.
I don't need the Moody Blues to breathe either.
(Stop looking at me like that! I don't!)
What I'm saying is they make breathing nicer..but I can survive without them. For days at a time even..
If you limit yourself to one artist/band..you're missing out.
Hey...I even listened to samples of Clay Aiken's new CD...
If you like Savage Garden...you'll like Clay Aiken...a little too polished for me...but it is one step above boybands. (plus he is cute...in that teenybopper kinda way)
And anyway..there is more to life than Elvis Costello...He makes the world a better place...but the world would go on turning without him....
So Elvis Strike......Day 1 has begun.
6375 Long joke Sunday
31 minutes ago
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