Thirteen Reasons Why This Is Going To Be A Terrible Holiday
I'm not usually down on Christmas. I love the holiday, but this year a string of nasty events are conspiring against me.
1. My sister is in the hospital after an accident on her way to work yesterday morning. She's got a fractured pelvis and we aren't sure how long she'll be in the hospital.
2. My cat died on Dec 16 in my lap. That's the 2nd cat to be taken from me in 6 weeks.
3. Most of the family isn't going to be home this year.
4. My Christmas present won't even be here on Christmas Day as it just shipped from the UK today. Grrrr.
5. I have no special someone to share the day with. (Except family that I have to love)
6. Half of the cleaning isn't going to get done because of big sis's accident.
7. I'll be baking with mum all day on Saturday. (There will be no breaks in the cooking or there will be no cookies)
8. Laundry day will be moved to Friday after work. I hate laundry day.
9. I still haven't lost enough weight to be happy. Why oh why do I have to weigh 135 stinking pounds? Why do I let it bother me.
10. 6 of my CDs were destroyed by a doggie today that snuck in my room and lifted his leg on my CD case. One of these CDs is very very expensive to replace and because of the holiday I don't have the cash to replace it.
11. The holiday falls on a Monday which means I only get one day off. Pooh! When will I ever get a 4 day weekend? The answer = Never.
12. No one ever wants to go to Midnight mass and I hate the 8 a.m. mass that I always end up going to.
13. We only have 2 bottles of wine and this is shaping up to be at least a 4 bottle holiday
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