
The pictures of my trip can be found on my photoblog and all of them can be found at my flickr page.
~ Misty is not doing well today. We did manage to get some liquid in her. She had her cat milk combined with her vitamins. She's resting under my Charlie Brown Christmas tree right now. She's getting love from so many. I'm starting to pray that god does what is best for her. I have no right to be selfish and ask for time if it means she's miserable. My heart can't break anymore than it already has.
~ There are parts of this song that really ring true to me right now.
Keri Noble - Talk To Me
There you are again
I see you all the time
We haven't really met yet,
But you know, I don't mind
'Cuz I think today's the day
I'm gonna go right up and say to you
Would it be alright
If I called you up sometime?
There you go again
I let you get away
At least I've got more time
To think of what I might say (like)
"Couldn't we be good" (or maybe)
"Don't you think that we should find
Some quiet little place where we'd make love all day?"
Come and talk to me
What are you waiting for
'Cuz I can see you passing every day and I'm always wanting more
Come and talk to me
What are you gonna do
'Cuz I can't seem to get the nerve to get off my own ass
And come and talk to you
You know I love the type
You look like you've been up all night
And yet somehow still look beautiful
You do it all at the same time
Whenever you walk by
You always look me in the eyes
And in that moment I know
the same thing's on your mind
It always seems to be that I let the good things pass by
Because I let my fear stop me (but not this time)
~ Moodymistress sent me a Gordon Lightfoot CD for Christmas. Squee! My bestest online buddy Squirt send me another. I don't think I've thanked either of them properly. But Squee and many many thanks!! I love Gord's voice and his songwriting. Both of you are wonderful friends and have made me so very happy this Christmas.
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