Well, I suppose my sexy DJ knows that I think he's sexy and that I wouldn't mind getting him in a lip lock for a few hours...months...years..
I imagine he's quite terrified of what kind of person I might be.
I like to think I'm eccentric, unique even.
I suppose I was interesting enough, because he hit my site several times. Erm...I wonder if he was looking for a picture of me. Seriously, he should be glad he didn't find one. I'm a goober. I also don't think there are many good pictures of me.
I'm so embarrassed. It's all well and good waxing on about how I'd like to get my hands on him and have my wicked way with him, but him reading about it is another thing. Why? Because it makes me wonder what he was thinking when he was reading my ramblings, and lord knows I ramble.
Of course he could be flattered at my insanity. That would be nice. In which case, if you stop by the blog again, Fishy darlin' the offer still stands, I'm free for drinks, you name the time and place.
(The Mistress of the Dark dreams big and often as you might be able to tell)
Oh and Fishy...if you were looking for a picture of me...

Polaroids are so unflattering.
I like this one better, though my hair was longer in this shot.

I think the York Peppermint Pattie thought I was cute.
Oh and I wonder if Fish is feeling Delicious today.
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