My heart is totally broken. I will never again feel her nudge me into awakeness, or purr loudly into my ear before sleep. I won't see her sitting atop of my computer monitor or tower. I will never hear her little cries from the top of the stairs when she was lonely and missing her momma. There will be no more sounds of her playing with the catnip mice, that Oogie totally ignores.
There is so much. So much that I won't forget.
If only there had been more time. She was 1.5 when we got her and she was just nearing 14, just a wee bit younger than my nephew Michael.
Rest In Peace my angel kitty, the daughter of my heart, the kitty love of my life. May the angels in heaven hold you tight and may you purr forever in peace, free of pain.
I ♥ you eternally.

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