OK, I told myself I wouldn't really rant on Danny Elfman's marrying Bridget Fonda. Of all the wenches he's dated since he's divorced, she's almost a prize. I'm not sure if I'm even saddened at that. So I really wish them well, and hopefully she won't want children, cos goodness knows they'd be weird looking.
Now this whole Elvis Costello and Diana Krall thing is enough to turn my stomach. Of course that means he can start cheating on her now!! That does seem to be the way he operates. I mean he has cheated on his previous two wives. LOL. What a manwhore!
I still wonder why some people must defend him. I mean, I'd love to shag him, but loving him must be rough, cos it's inevitable that he's going to stray. A serious character flaw in my book. It's just a shame Cait has never been in the public eye, cos I'd love to know the real story on their divorce. Or do I?
One last rant. Marie Hayward looks like she's been dead for a long while. If you don't believe me...
For heaven's sake Justin, feed her, buy her clothes befitting her advanced age..oh and maybe put her in a nursing home. OK that was mean. Maybe just buy her a golf course in a land far far away. Sheeze, my concubine's really like em ugly.
6373 - Thursday trees - NSFW
1 day ago