My Brother, David Bowie and other Odd Things
More randomness from my miserable corner of the world. OK..My brother has really put the screws to me, when he tried to reset my DSL modem on Thanksgiving. You know when he kicked me off-line completely. Well after a zillion tech calls, and getting told that we wouldn't have service until Dec 2, I have a bill in my hands from Earthlink. Or rather a bill in my email. It's for 379.86. WTF!
Part of it is for Earthlink Wireless...uh I'm earthlink DSL....then Earthlink Dial Up...and wait there's more...Earthlink hardware!
All of this most likely because my brother fubarred my connection. I'm so not buying him a Christmas present.
Secondly..the weird dreams continued last night. That's allergy meds! This time I was dreaming about David Bowie. I'd much rather dream about the Moody Blues thank you very much. At least David Bowie was trying to save my life. I'm not sure from what but he was.
Thank you David.
I know there was other stuff to rant about, but I can't imagine what it is. Other than I miss my DSL..and I miss watching Foamy Rant at
Musical Sunday
14 hours ago
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