Notice that my least favorite day of the week has shifted. When I worked at Curves I hated Saturdays because I had to work a lousy 4 hour shift in the morning, bright and early.
Now that I'm at a semi-normal job I'm back to hating Mondays, for the same reason everyone else in the world hates them.
They are Mondays!
And who wants a Monday after 2 lazy days filled with nothing. Or even after 2 days filled with excitement?
Not me, that's for sure.
If the next holiday weren't Thanksgiving I'd really be looking forward to my next long weekend, but something about Thanksgiving makes me uneasy. I think it's the knowledge that Christmas is just around the corner and even in a few weeks I won't have enough done to feel comfortable.
It's always the case of so much to do and so little time to do it....or worse, nothing to do but the time rushes right on by.
Now where the hell did my weekend go?
The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for January, 2025
10 hours ago
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