For the last few hours I've felt, bleh.
Got to love that.
Then I was trying to pay some bills online. Remind me not to do that anymore. One of my payments conveniently went through twice.
Yeah, you read that right, twice.
I'm not usually dumb like that, but when I hit the payment key, it looked like it had logged me off of my account. That's happened. So I thought my payment didn't go through. Stupid me, I went and put it through again. And of course that first payment had been caught by the system.
Shoot me now.
I don't have enough money right now. I definitely don't have the money to pay someone twice!
Such is my luck.
Can I please go to my happy place to sulk?
Can I go to my happy place to sulk with him?
My happy place would be so much happier then, and much more enjoyable than that rock I've been hiding under.
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